Full Workshops vs Short Sessions - Compared to our short sessions which run at just 3-4 hours, our full workshops run for either 1 or 2 full days from sunrise to sunset coving a range of locations and challenges. Each course also features an online (zoom or MS teams) post-editing session included in the price that will be held within 1 week of the event where we will run through a selection of your shots from the workshop looking at how to get the best from each file and how to improve and speed up the workflow.
Maximum group size just 3-1 - Having a smaller group compared to our normal short session ratio of 6-1 means that you get much more 1-1 time which is tailored to your individual level and to maximise your progression.
Location-Location-Location - Each course is focussed around a series of carefully selected stunning locations that are within short distances of each other keeping traveling time to a minimum between locations. These are locations that Simon has a huge amount of experience at, where he will teach you how to make the very best of each spot picking out dynamic and thought provoking images as you go, whilst also covering a range of methods that will encourage you to dive deep into your technical and creative toolbox.
A great experience regardless of your level - Simon is well known for his ability to teach and progress students at every level of expertise even on the same course. He never holds back on the tricks, dispels the myths, shows how and when to follow or break the rules, and pushes every student to a higher level of not just technical skill, but creative freedom and enthusiasm as well.
Its not about the Kit - We all have different budgets and requirements when it comes to kit, and Simon is no stranger to the concept of making the best of what you have to hand, and not being too reliant on kit as a creative crutch. So regardless of the kit you possess, the courses are all aimed around 'creativity' as first priority, with hints, tips and practical demonstrations included which will encourage you to learn just how flexible your current kit can actually be.
We learn best when we are having Fun. - Simon teaches in a very relaxed way where fun and enjoyment are key objectives, whilst encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone into new areas of experimentation and skill.